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Diarrhoea: Why is diarrhoea so common? How to treat it?

Diarrhoea is amongst the most prevalent conditions with which people of any age can suffer. In this condition, there is a frequent bowel movement with loose and watery stool. Normally, diarrhoea doesn’t require any treatment and disappears on its own. In the majority of cases, a virus or bacteria augments diarrhoea. However, in the critical stage, there comes unexplained diarrhoea with no other symptoms. However, in chronic conditions, you might need diarrhoea treatment. Usually, everyone is aware of diarrhoea, however, unexplained diarrhoea can be tricky to understand. India houses several clinics and hospitals catering to diarrhoea treatment. However, unexplained diarrhoea with no other symptoms requires the special aid of a gastroenterologist. If you are wondering about diarrhoea causes and treatment, read this blog till the end. 

What causes Diarrhoea?

Normally, diarrhoea occurs due to a certain virus or bacterial attack in your gut. Many people also call it intestinal flu or stomach flu. When such harmful microbes enter your stomach and intestine, you may suffer from diarrhoea. These microbes can also cause infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhoea causes vital health issues that can drastically affect everyday life. Some of the main factors causing diarrhoea mentioned below:

  • Intestine disease like Ulcerative colitis
  • Over intake of alcohol
  • Allergies to certain drugs or medication
  • Indigestion
  • Food poisoning
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Microscopic colitis, generally seen in old age people
  • Endocrine tumours
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Some kinds of cancer

Besides the above factors causing diarrhoea, certain other conditions can augment diarrhoea in a person. These conditions include;

  • Malabsorptive diarrhoea: Certain people cannot absorb the nutrients out of the food they are consuming. Such people can experience this diarrhoea, which gets influenced by reduced absorption capacity.  
  • Mal-digestive diarrhoea: People with low digestion capacity can suffer from this kind of diarrhoea. 
  • Traveller Diarrhoea: This condition occurs when a person gets exposed to some bacteria or microbes while on a vacation. 
  • Some specific Microbes: Some certain specific bacteria and viruses can cause diarrhoea in some people. Rotavirus induces childhood diarrhoea in many kids. Bacteria like Salmonella can also augment diarrhoea.
  • Chronic Diarrhoea: This kind of diarrhoea can last for weeks and months. Chronic diarrhoea is a sign of some serious intestinal infection or disorder like Celiac disease. However, chronic diarrhoea causes discomfort in the lifestyle.

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Diarrhoea and Covid-19

When the unprecedented pandemic hit almost every country of the world including economies and businesses, the entire health system got disturbed. Although Covid-19 is a respiratory disease, the covid virus affects other parts of the human body. And the digestive system is not barred from it. Many people suffering from Covid-19 experienced gastrointestinal like Diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is one of the most prevalent symptoms of Covid-19. Many even complained of having unexplained diarrhoea with no other symptoms. Out of all the people testing Covid positive, the majority of them have both digestive and respiratory symptoms. However, in a few cases, unexplained diarrhoea was detected. Research about Diarrhoea and covid-19 has shown that there is a high potential of virus transmission via the oral-faecal, in areas with poor sanitation. As per studies, around 10 to 20% of people suffering from Covid-19 experience diarrhoea as a symptom. Although diarrhoea is seen in critical Covid-19 patients, the condition shall not be neglected. Experts recommend that people experiencing unexplained diarrhoea with no other symptoms should not neglect the possibility of contracting the Covid-19 virus. 

Why is Diarrhoea so common?

Unlike any other gastrointestinal condition, diarrhoea is prevalent among all age groups. Starting from a child to an old person, anyone can experience diarrhoea. A person in his average lifetime may experience diarrhoea several times. The microbes that augment diarrhoea are always present in the environment. And it is so easy to contact them. Several factors cause diarrhoea. Sometimes it is the food you eat, while sometimes indigestions can be a factor. 

People also refer to it as ‘loose motion’. Acute diarrhoea lasts for around a day or two. That subsides via home care, without needing any medication. However, diarrhoea can also be severe, and in such cases, diarrhoea treatment is a must. 

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How to treat it?

When you suffer from diarrhoea, you may experience several symptoms. Some diarrhoea symptoms are nausea, abdominal pain, watery stool, bloating, stomach cramps, dehydration, a frequent urge to poop, etc. When you experience any such symptoms for more than two days at a stretch, it is your cue to visit a doctor. Gastroenterologists are specialists who cater to gastrointestinal diseases including diarrhoea treatment. Some conditions of diarrhoea can be fatal leading to constipation. Hence it is essential to get a diarrhoea treatment. 

Although acute diarrhoea vanishes in a few days, chronic diarrhoea can last for several weeks. For such conditions, diarrhoea treatment is a must. The primary diarrhoea treatment includes hydrating yourself and replacing the lost fluids. Depending on conditions, like the cause of diarrhoea, health condition, age, etc., the doctor will start up your diarrhoea treatment. Below are discussed some of the available treatments for diarrhoea:

  • Rehydration: Diarrhoea treatment begins with rehydration. In diarrhoea, there is a major loss of hydration. The doctor may increase your ORS or other oral hydration solution. These solutions contain suitable salts that restore water loss in your body.
  • Diarrhoea medicines: The doctor may prescribe some diarrhoea medicines to control the frequent passage of stool. 
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics are great ways to minimize any infections that are caused by prolonged diarrhoea. 
  • Proper diet: A proper diet plays an integral role in diarrhoea treatment. Along with diarrhoea medicines, the doctor may ask you to reshape your diet. To get relief from diarrhoea the diet must have lots of fluids. Besides, dieticians recommend high sodium and potassium intake.


Dr Piyush Ranjan is a renowned gastroenterologist practising in Delhi. His expertise in gastric and liver care makes him one of the most preferred clinicians in Delhi. At his Gastro and Liver Care, Dr Ranjan offers to relieve diarrhoea treatment. His expertise in gastroenterology gives him an edge in specialized medical procedures. The clinic also houses the finest medical facility to the patients with an outstanding trained staff and world-class service. If you are exhausted with prolonging diarrhoea, book an appointment now!

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