Acidity Treatment in Delhi

Acidity Treatment In Delhi

Heartburn and discomfort are caused by acidity, more commonly referred to as acid reflux, which is the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Indigestion, regurgitation, and a burning feeling in the chest are common symptoms. It can be brought on by certain foods, stress, or underlying medical issues. To control symptoms and avoid complications, effective diagnosis and treatment are crucial. To obtain individualized acidity treatment in Delhi, speak with the most skilled and qualified gastroenterologist in Delhi Dr. Piyush Ranjan.

Fast Facts About Acid Reflux

Some quick facts about Acid Reflux are as follows:

  • The alternate names used for acid reflux are heartburn, pyrosis, and acid indigestion.
  • The movement of acidic contents from the stomach in an upward direction towards the food pipe causes it.
  • It creates a sensation of burning along with pain right after a meal in the lower area of the chest.
  • Smoking and obesity are the primary lifestyle risk factors that lead to this problem.
  • Gastroenterologists in delhi can treat it with the help of therapy as well as prescribed medicines.


Acid reflux is caused by the flow of acid content from the stomach in an upward direction towards the food pipe into the gullet. Though the alternate name used for it is heartburn, it doesn’t affect the heart. The hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach is in a concentrated form, and it generally facilitates the process of digestion. The lining of the stomach is protected by a mucus layer that adapts itself to protect itself from the effects of this acid. Still, the esophagus, on the other hand, is left unprotected.

The gastroesophageal sphincter, a ring of muscle, allows the food to get into the stomach by acting as a valve and doesn’t let the food get into the esophagus. The moment this valve isn’t able to perform its functions efficiently, the food gets redirected towards the esophagus, which initiates heartburn.

Difference Between GERD & Acidity


Acidity (Acid Reflux)

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)


Occasional condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus

A chronic condition where stomach acid frequently flows back into the esophagus


Heartburn, indigestion, a burning sensation in the chest or throat

Persistent heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, chronic cough


Occurs occasionally, usually after eating or lying down

Occurs more than twice a week


Generally mild and manageable with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications

Can be severe and lead to complications like esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus


Overeating, spicy or fatty foods, alcohol, caffeine, stress

Weakened lower esophageal sphincter, obesity, pregnancy, certain medications


Antacids, lifestyle changes, avoiding trigger foods

Long-term medication (e.g., PPIs, H2 blockers), lifestyle changes, surgery in severe cases


Self-diagnosable based on symptoms rarely requires medical tests

Requires medical diagnosis through endoscopy, pH monitoring, or manometry

Impact on Lifestyle

Usually a temporary issue with minimal impact on daily activities

Can significantly affect quality of life and requires ongoing management

Comprehending the distinctions between acidity and GERD is essential for efficient handling and therapy. For a correct diagnosis and GERD treatment in Delhi, speak with Dr. Ranjan if your symptoms are severe or frequent.

Also Read:What Is the Permanent Treatment of Acidity?

Acidity/Acid Reflux Treatments

Acid reflux or heartburn treatment in Delhiunder Dr. Ranjan primarily mainly focuses on symptom relief by reducing stomach acid production and healing the oesophagus. Here are the main options:

  • Antacids
    • Provide fast relief by neutralizing stomach acid.
  • H2 Receptor Blockers
    • Reduce the production of acid in the stomach.
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
    • These are more effective in chronic conditions for long-term reduction of stomach acid.
  • Prokinetics
    • These improve the stomach emptying action and enhance the lower oesophagal sphincter tone.
  • Alginate Drugs
    • These medicines form a barrier to prevent acid from going back into the oesophagus.
  • Surgical Options
    • For severe cases where other methods do not work, surgical procedures like fundoplication are considered.

For expert medical care and the best treatment for acid refluxin Delhi, consult Dr Piyush Ranjan, who is renowned for his expertise in managing gastrointestinal conditions.
If not treated effectively and timely, acidity can become a chronic problem like indigestion and heartburn for patients. It's imperative to see a gastroenterologist like Dr. Piyush Ranjan if your symptoms are severe or chronic. He provides unparalleled patient care and experience in acidity treatment in Delhi. Patients visitingDr Ranjan's clinic receive high-quality care due to state-of-the-art equipment and elite specialists. With more than 15 years of expertise, Dr. Ranjan has demonstrated the ability to properly and precisely handle even the most complicated cases. To effectively manage acidity and acid reflux, Dr. Ranjan provides professional advice and cutting-edge therapies customized to each patient's needs.

Risk factors

GERD can affect anyone and everyone despite the age-group of the individual, and sometimes it can even happen without any known reason. In most cases, it arises as a result of lifestyle factors. Still, it is essential to understand that it is doubtful for an individual to prevent themselves from this situation at all times.

One of the nonpreventable causes of GERD is a hernia. Sometimes a hole in the diaphragm can also lead to GERD as the spot makes way for the upper part of the stomach and lets it easily enter the chest cavity.

Some of the other factors that can influence the cause of acid reflux are:

  • A condition of obesity
  • Active or passive smoking
  • Physical Inactivity
  • Certain medications and drugs

A state of pregnancy can also play a role in causing acid reflux as an extra strain acts upon all the various internal organs during pregnancy.

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