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Liver Water Removal (Paracentesis )- Procedure, Diagnosis & Complications

Paracentesis or liver water removal is a medical procedure performed to drain theliver water fluid from a person’s abdominal cavity. This fluid is referred to as ascites and is a sign of an underlying condition. However, it is a low risk procedure that can help your gastroenterologist to diagnose what is causing the fluid buildup and also help to relieve symptoms if you are experiencing the condition causing ascites. Paracentesis can be a one-time procedure according to your condition, or else, in some cases, you may need it frequently as well. Your doctor may require you to remove a small amount of fluid if they want to diagnose the condition and a large amount of fluid if you have a recurrence of ascites. 

Paracentesis – The Procedure and diagnosis 

It is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a needle into the middle or lower portion of the abdomen to drain or collect fluid samples from the peritoneal activity. Paracentesis can also be performed to remove excess fluid buildup that is causing abdominal pressure. The procedure helps to diagnose bacterial infection, stomach cancer, liver cirrhosis or any other medical condition that is causing fluid buildup. It is performed when fluid builds up in the peritoneal cavity and is known as ascites. The doctor might use this procedure for treatment or therapeutic purposes when a patient has excess fluid in the abdomen. The procedure is used for : 

Diagnostic Purposes

Healthcare providers might use it to figure out the leading cause of the condition. It is performed for diagnostic purposes if you have fluid buildup in the abdomen and think you might have an infection of abdominal tissues, referred to as bacterial peritonitis. Some symptoms of this condition include fever, abdominal pain and low blood pressure. When the procedure is used for diagnostic purposes, the healthcare provider will send the sample to the lab of abdominal fluid collected during the liver water removal procedure for testing. This will help them to know precisely your condition and the extent of your infection. The testing also helps determine the root cause of ascites, which may include conditions like : 

  • Peritoneal cancer
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Stomach cancer
  • Heart failure
  • TB
  • Pancreatitis 
  • Nephrotic syndrome

Types Of Liver Water Removal Procedure 

There are mainly two types of liver water removal procedure and both make the use of a needle or a catheter and syringe to collect fluids from the abdomen. But there are some differences between these two types that differentiate them from one another: 

  • Direct ultrasound guidance

It is one method that relies on real-time imaging of the inner abdomen and which guides the needle or catheter that is inside the abdomen. This imaging procedure helps to check and evaluate the inner condition that can cause ascites fluid and prevent organs from being damaged. It is done by using a specialized device laid in the abdomen and low high-frequency sound waves to create a real-time image. 

  • Indirect ultrasound guidance 

Itr is another way which is quick in comparison to the previous one. It guides similarly but relies on ultrasound imaging but not in real-time. This helps the doctor to determine where the needle or catheter needs to go in advance. Because of the organ damage risk, it is only recommended for those who have large amounts of fluid buildup. 

What To Expect With Paracentesis?

The procedure is done at a hospital or clinic, and you are awake for it. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the procedure, and if you have a large amount of fluid, it may take more time as well. You will be asked to empty your bladder, and ultrasound devices will help to guide the procedure if needed. Local anaesthesia will be appalled to numb the sin of the abdomen to insert the needle. After when the fluid is drained with the help of nedele, the needle will be removed and pursued will be applied to the site to stop bleeding or any kind of leakage.

Complications And Risks Related To Paracentesis

In general liver water removal procedure is safe and well tolerated by many. After the procedure, you need to stay in the hospital for about one to two hours for rest. People can expect some swelling and itching post the procedure while the injection site heals. It is also possible to experience some complications after the Paracentesis: 

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to abdomen structures
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Ongoing leakage at the wound site
  • Internal bleeding or blood clot

It is vital to follow the advice of your gastroenterologist after the paracentesis procedure. You may remove your bandage after 24 hours and also take rest during this duration. 

What Tests Are Done After Paracentesis?

After the fluid collection, the procedure is done for diagnosis the sample will be sent to lb for peritoneal fluid analysis. This analysis may include some tests : 

  • Complete blood count CBC
  • Bacteria culture test
  • Tests may also check your level of albumin, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, amylase, LDH and protein. 
  • Lactate dehydrogenase
  • Amylase
  • Serum ascites albumin gradient


Paracentesis is a low-risk procedure that helps your doctor to diagnose the leading cause of fluid buildup in the abdomen. It also helps in relieving symptoms if you are living with the condition that causes ascites. Depending on the result of the Paracentesis and other tests performed by the experts, you may need further medical care. The procedure can either be performed to drain fluid from the abdomen, or it can also be done to relieve the symptoms that have caused you or to diagnose the root cause of the fluid buildup. If the Paracentesis is performed for treatment purposes, the symptoms because of fluid pressure will go away immediately. When it is done for diagnostic purposes, then a fluid sample will be sent to the lab to know the reason behind this buildup. It is best to consult the best gastroenterologist in Delhi to get yourself checked and treated. Dr Piyush Ranjan is among the top liver specialist doctors in Delhi, known for offering excellent gastroenterology treatment and producing desirable results. He is among the reputed specialists with expertise in gastrointestinal health issues as well as liver diseases. He also has extensive knowledge in performing various procedures and also treats his patients using state of the art technology. 

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